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Service Guides: Web Conferencing Service (WCS)
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2. Technical Description

WCS Technical Summary

WCS enable agencies to enhance traditional conferencing by allowing remote participants to interactively collaborate to share information, documents, and applications over the Internet with a commercially available web browser. The scope of collaboration is wide and allows the participants real-time interactive collaboration in a private and secure WCS session for activities such as Sharing Presentations/Documents, File Transfers, Polling, Online Surveys, Voting, Slide Annotation, White Board, and chat - public and private.

WCS is typically used in conjunction with an audio and/or video conference and enables Agencies to provide participants with secure, user friendly and interactive real time collaboration capabilities. Agencies can utilize WCS to effectively disseminate information quickly and easily, reduce the cost of training and educational programs, and permit individuals and groups to participate in activities they otherwise would be unable to attend due to a variety of conflicts.

The figure below shows a typical WCS application.

Networx Web Conference Service

3. Technical Detail

WCS is an application layer service provided over an Internet connection that has no geographic coverage constraints. The service is accessible via a Universal Resource Locator (URL) address and will be compatible with commercially available Internet web browser software packages. WCS will interoperate with the Internet and subscribing Agencies IP network(s). Agency Internet access to WCS is not included as part of the service.

WCS was not offered on the original FTS2001 contracts but some similar conferencing capabilities are covered in other FTS2001 services. WCS will provide point-to-point and multi-point web conferences supported with customized greeting, authentication, password protection and Online Help. WCS will traverse and successfully interoperate with Agency firewalls and security layers.


WCS provides a wide range of Technical Capabilities available to the authorized users and a detailed description of these is covered in the Section C. 4 of the Networx Contracts. Listed below is a very brief summary of the capabilities provided to the participants.

  • Authentication and password protection; a customized greeting (or message) screen, and Online Help.
  • Test and verification of the web browser on Participant's computer or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to ensure that it is compatible with WCS. The appropriate plug-ins required to deliver WCS to the subscriber will be provided.
  • Support for dynamic content, i.e., the ability to use Audio Visual Interleave (AVI's) files, flash, animated gif, and dynamic html pages.
  • Conference Request on demand, via scheduled reservation with a single point of contact, within 30 minutes prior to the requested conference time.
  • Scheduling or cancelling one or more web conferences, within at least one year in advance, either as a single event or recurring event on a daily, weekly, monthly, or other periodic basis.
  • E-mail notification with a meeting invitation and RSVP to conference participants.
  • Ability to extend the scheduled conference time and to add participants as requested.
  • Capacity to support at least 31 simultaneous participants in an individual web conference.
  • Immediate response to an operator request for assistance to resolve any technical or WCS service issues or problems.
  • Ability for the participants to view the name list of other participants attending the WCS.
  • Ability for the conference leader to control and share a remote participant's desktop application.
  • Group web surfing ability for the conference leader to enable him to guide and navigate WCS participants to a web page.
  • Ability for multiple Presenters on a WCS meeting or event.
  • Ability for the conference leader to lock and unlock access to the meeting. When the meeting is locked, no additional participants can join the active conference. [Optional]
  • Ability for conference leaders to print the presentation used during the WCS or save it to a file. Participants shall have the same capability if permitted by the conference leader.


WCS also provides service features listed below and described in the Networx Contracts Section C. Toll-Free Service Features:

  • Streaming Audio - Ability to deliver one way audio synchronized with any data portions of the web conference.
  • Streaming Video - Ability to deliver one way video synchronized with any data portions of the web conference.
  • Web Based Presentation Replay - Ability to replay (or playback) web based presentations. The replay shall be available for a minimum of 30 days after the initial conference with options for extending the period.

Each Networx contractor may provide variations or alternatives to the offering and pricing for WCS. The specific details can be found within each Contractors Networx contract files and pricing notes for WCS.

For more information on the general WCS specifications and requirements, please refer to Section C.2.8.3 of the Networx contract for technical specifications and Section B.2.8.3 for pricing.

4. Price Description

WCS Price Basics

WCS enables real time collaboration between participants using a commercially available web browser and is typically used in conjunction with an audio or video connection. WCS provides the following pricing options:

  • A usage charge per minute per port
  • A subscription service consisting of a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) per subscription with a set number of participants (5,10,20, or 30 participants)

Underlying transport services (i.e. VS for audio, IPS for Internet connection) to provide connectivity are separately priced. Audio Conferencing Service (ACS) and Video Teleconferencing Service (VTS) may also be required for audio and video conferencing and are separately priced.

WCS was not offered on the original FTS2001 contracts but some similar conferencing capabilities are covered in other FTS2001 services.

    Price components required for WCS Usage:
  • Underlying transport services, such as IPS or VS, to provide connectivity (Audio Conferencing Service (ACS) and Video Teleconferencing Service (VTS) may also be required for audio and video conferencing)
  • Basic service (usage charges per minute per port)
  • Features ordered as needed by the Agency:
    • Streaming audio
    • Streaming video
  • Web Based Presentation Replay
  • Service Enabling Devices (SEDs) may be required to implement WCS. [Please note that SEDs under Networx replace the FTS2001 User-to-Network Interfaces and Access Adaptation Functions (UNIs/AAFs). SEDs may differ between Networx providers. The pricing structure for SEDs provides for either a one-time payment or monthly term payments for purchase, plus a NRC for installation and a MRC for maintenance.]

Example 1: WCS Usage

  • Underlying Transport: Choose Networx telecommunications service such as IPS
  • WCS Basic Service: Choose CLIN 270302 (usage per minute per port)
  • SEDs must be chosen based on equipment required at each location. CLINs may differ between contractors.

WCS Price Additional Detail

WCS Subscription: If a WCS subscription is purchased, there is no usage charge. The WCS subscription service offers unlimited web conferences for up to a specified number of concurrent participants (5, 10, 20, or 30 participants), priced on a monthly basis.

Price components required for WCS Subscription:

  • Underlying transport services, such as IPS or VS, to provide connectivity (Audio Conferencing Service (ACS) and Video
  • Teleconferencing Service (VTS) may also be required for audio and video conferencing)
  • Basic service (MRC per block of participants)
  • Features ordered as needed by the Agency
  • Service Enabling Devices (SEDs) may be required to implement WCS

Example 2: WCS Subscription for five (5) participants

  • Underlying Transport: Choose Networx telecommunications service such as IPS
  • WCS Basic Service: Choose CLIN 270101 (WCS Subscription Service per block of 5 participants)
  • SEDs must be chosen based on equipment required at each location. CLINs may differ between contractors.

Each Networx contractor may provide variations or alternatives to the offering and pricing for WCS. The specific details can be found within each Contractors Networx contract files and pricing notes for WCS.

For more information on the general WCS specifications and requirements, please refer to Section C.2.8.3 of the Networx contract for technical specifications and Section B.2.8.3 for pricing.